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2022.09.25 ~ 10.05 / MLB '22 포스트 시즌 대진표

이쯤 되면 MLB에서 오늘까지 성적 기준으로 포스트 시즌 대진표를 알려줍니다.

Postseason watch: NL East tightens, Guardians closing in

With every division race all but settled except for one with under two weeks left in the regular season, all eyes are on the National League East and the Wild Card races. The NL East got even tighter Saturday as the division-leading Mets lost to the A's in


(2022.11.06) 최종 결과

(2022.10.05) 최종 대진표

포스트 시즌 진출팀은 확정이네요.
Who has clinched: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres and Phillies. Who is next: No one. (2022.10.03)
ATL이 오늘도 이기면서 유리해졌네요.
SD 확정됐네요.
이제 남은 자리는 필라델피아 필리스 CONTENDER BREAKDOWN Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Phillies
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): N/A
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): N/A
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): Brewers
ATL이 오늘 이기면서 큰 변동이군요.
오늘 중계 봤는데, 내일도 8시부터 NYM 맞대결인데, 볼만하겠네요.


Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): N/A

TB와 SEA 자리 바꿈했군요.


Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Rays, Mariners, Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): N/A

안 바뀌는 대진표 대신에
포스트 시즌 진출 확률이 더 좋겠네요.
CONTENDER BREAKDOWN Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): Orioles

클리블랜드가 중부 지구 우승이네요.
