이쯤 되면 MLB에서 오늘까지 성적 기준으로 포스트 시즌 대진표를 알려줍니다.
(2022.11.06) 최종 결과
(2022.10.05) 최종 대진표
포스트 시즌 진출팀은 확정이네요.
Who has clinched: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres and Phillies. Who is next: No one. (2022.10.03)
ATL이 오늘도 이기면서 유리해졌네요.
SD 확정됐네요.
이제 남은 자리는 필라델피아 필리스 CONTENDER BREAKDOWN Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Phillies
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): N/A
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): N/A
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): Brewers
ATL이 오늘 이기면서 큰 변동이군요.
오늘 중계 봤는데, 내일도 8시부터 NYM 맞대결인데, 볼만하겠네요.
Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): N/A
TB와 SEA 자리 바꿈했군요.
Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals, Blue Jays
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Rays, Mariners, Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): N/A
안 바뀌는 대진표 대신에
포스트 시즌 진출 확률이 더 좋겠네요.
CONTENDER BREAKDOWN Clinched postseason berth: Dodgers, Astros, Mets, Braves, Yankees, Guardians, Cardinals
Almost there (90% postseason odds or better): Blue Jays, Rays, Mariners, Padres
In good shape (50-89% postseason odds): Phillies
In the mix (10-49% postseason odds): Brewers
Still alive (Postseason odds above 0%): Orioles
클리블랜드가 중부 지구 우승이네요.